Melatonin Dosage - How much Melatonin Should You Intake

How much Melatonin Should You Intake

Melatonin is one of the most popular supplements in recent times. Also known as a sleeping hormone, melatonin regulates the circadian cycle and helps a person to go to sleep.

It is a well-liked sleep aid available today.

Due to hectic work schedules, life stress, and anxiety, people are losing their sleep, leading to various physical, mental, and psychological health issues. In order to solve various sleeping-related problems including insomnia, sleep deprivation, etc, melatonin came into the picture. 

More than half a million people use melatonin pills in Australia alone to aid in falling asleep and reducing nighttime awakenings.

In this blog, we will discover more about Melatonin, its recommended dosages and how it functions in the body. 

What Is Melatonin & How It Works  

Melatonin is a hormone that is naturally produced by the human brain during the nighttime. With the help of the pineal gland, the brain produces melatonin in response to darkness. It is also known as the ‘sleep hormone’ as its high level helps us fall asleep.

In our body, melatonin is created naturally during the evening/night time, which causes the brain to enter a tranquil state and encourages sleep. It is one of the great ways to give restful sound sleep while maintaining overall health.

What Is Melatonin

For insomnia or jet lag-related issues, you can take melatonin to calm down and relax your mind.

Your body's internal clock, the circadian rhythm, controls and decides when you should sleep, wake up, and eat. By properly regulating the circadian cycle, melatonin adjusts our body and helps us to sleep and wake on time.

Melatonin Dosage 

It is advised to start with a lower dose of melatonin, such as 1 mg, rather than starting at the maximum, if you are unsure of how much to take.

Though, melatonin is safe in higher amounts as it has ample benefits to the body. 

Melatonin Dosage

You can determine if your body needs more or less melatonin by starting with a lower dose and observing how your body responds. It is always recommended not to go beyond the maximum advised dosage; instead, gradually raise or reduce your dosage until you reach the right level. 

  • For Kids -

    Most kids and teenagers can safely use melatonin for a short period, however you should always see the physician before giving melatonin to the child for the first time. Depending on the child’s or teen's age, the dosage might range from 1 milligram to 3 milligrams.

  • For Adults -

    Melatonin dosages ranging from 0.3 milligrammes to 12 milligrammes, can be used to treat a number of sleep disorders in adults. Also for elderly people, melatonin doses between 1 mg to 6 mg would be adequate to improve sleep.

    Try starting with the least dose of melatonin feasible for both adults and older individuals, and then gradually increasing as necessary while being aware of precautions. Majority of professionals advise utilizing melatonin for a short period.

Best Time To Take Melatonin 

Best Time To Take Melatonin
  • Melatonin is best when taken at the right time. If you take supplemental melatonin too early in the evening—before sunset or before you prepare to fall asleep for the night—it runs the risk of disrupting the natural cycle that your body is trying to maintain.

  • Melatonin can be very beneficial when your regular sleep schedule gets disrupted. For example, if you are traveling across multiple time zones and experiencing jet lag, or if it's a busy work week that necessitates several late nights. Melatonin pills might assist you in reestablishing your natural rhythm in such circumstances.

  • Also if a person has trouble sleeping well at night because of a medical condition, they can also incorporate melatonin into their day-to-day life.

How Much Melatonin One Can Take 

It is always better to take small doses for a short period that work effectively on your body. A healthy person can take 0.3 to 5 mg of melatonin 60 to 90 minutes before expected bedtime so that the brain will have enough time to identify the extra melatonin and send the appropriate signal to assist you in falling asleep after that period.


It is crucial to take precautions before incorporating melatonin on a regular basis -

  • When taking other medicines - 

    Before using melatonin, people who are taking other medication should speak with their doctor, as is the case with any dietary supplements. When taking melatonin supplements, people with epilepsy and those who are taking blood thinners especially need to be under medical monitoring.

  • Breastfeeding and pregnant women - 

    Before breastfeeding or planning to conceive, consulting a doctor about melatonin supplementation would be safe for the expected mother as well as the baby.

  • High blood pressure -

    Melatonin should not be used if you are already taking medicine to lower your blood pressure because it may cause your blood pressure to rise.


Sleep issues are quite normal. While some people just occasionally have trouble sleeping, others struggle with chronic sleep issues. Melatonin pills are a great approach to get your body ready for a good night's sleep and to reset your circadian cycle. As previously stated, always discuss the ideal melatonin dosage with your doctor.

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