How Long Does Melatonin Last In Your System

As sleep disorders are continuously rising across the globe, the number of people for sleep aid has also increased significantly. Sleep aid, especially Melatonin, is one of the widely used supplements consumed by millions of people globally for the proper regulation of the sleep cycle.

As per research, Melatonin is particularly good at regulating our circadian cycle, which enables us to get better-quality sleep; however, understanding Melatonin and learning everything about taking this supplement as a sleep aid is crucial before utilising it.

Let’s explore how melatonin supplements work, along with how long it lasts in our system and the best time to consume it.


Melatonin Supplementation

Melatonin is a hormone that naturally gets produced inside your brain with the help of the Pineal Gland.

Since Melatonin gets produced in the body after sunset, many people find it hard to fall asleep even at nighttime, claiming that external melatonin supplementation helps them sleep better.

People often consume Melatonin to cure issues like sleep deprivation and insomnia.

Some other uses of Melatonin include -

  • Treatment of child sleep issues.

  • Treatment of delayed sleep phase syndrome.

  • Treatment of circadian sleep cycle (sleep and wake disorder).

  • Treatment of internal clock readjustment (during jet lag).


Usually, between 30 mins to 2 hours after consumption, melatonin gets absorbed by the body and starts to show its effect. For this reason, experts suggest taking melatonin two hours before bedtime.

However, it entirely depends on the person’s body type.


How Long Does Melatonin Last

One of the most frequent concerns people have about using sleep aids is the chances of waking up the next morning feeling tired and exhausted.

But usually, this is not the case with melatonin consumers.

Experts claim that the duration of melatonin effects depends on the dosage.

Shortly after getting released, Melatonin slowly starts to exit the body. Half of the Melatonin released leaves the body after one hour and starts to get lowered by half after every 40–60 minutes until it fully gets eliminated from your system.

It generally takes Melatonin about four to five hours to exit from the body. However, one should keep in mind that each person digests medications differently. It depends on several factors, such as your age, general health, how much caffeine you consume, etc.


Generally the Melatonin dosage recommended by the medical experts is between 1mg to 5mg. However, it would always be a good decision to start the intake of Melatonin with the lowest dose possible.

Once the body gets used to the small doses, you can gradually increase Melatonin intake that suits the body and promotes good sleep without causing any harmful effect.

However, despite being safer than other sleep aids, Melatonin supplements should only be taken on a doctor's advice.


Melatonin is the most crucial sleep aid available in the market as it helps to fight issues related to sleep deprivation, insomnia, jet lag, etc.

In our body, melatonin typically stays for 4-5 hours, depending on the dose, health, age, etc.

For the improvement of sleep cycle and to get sound sleep, regular small dosage of melatonin for a short period of time would be an ideal decision but talking to your doctor and learning more about the right dosage may help you get the desired results.

It is also crucial to keep in mind that establishing a good routine and regular exercising will also help you bring your sleep schedule back on track.

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